Sunday, December 30, 2012


तिमीले गाउने उदास गीत हुँ म
कसैले हारेकेा नमीठेा जीत हुँ म

तान या च्यात अक्षर पखालिएकेा
तिनै चिठ्ठीकेा धमिलेा प्रित हुँ म

थामेर हत्केलामा राखेर के गर्छैा
तिम्रेा प्यास मेट्न नसक्ने सीत हुँ म

भिज्यैा, नभेटीने रित्तेा पर्खार्इ तिम्रेा
जिवन हारेकेा निर्लज्ज रीत हुँ म

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Tof] uNnLaf6 n';'Ss l5/]/
3fdsf] ls/0f dnfO{ vf]Hb} cfof]
/ eGof]–
slj ltdL Ho"b} 5f} ls d¥of} <
d}n] eg]
ltdL cfof} / of] w's w'sL 5 .
        ltdL cfof} / /Ëx? ;fw]/
        of] Sofgef; olt ;'Gb/ agfof} ls
        d}n] cfkm}nfO{ ljl;{P/
        Sofgef; pleP Ps}l5g
/Ëx? leqaf6 lhjg uflolbP
        hxfF efjgf kufNg] w'g eP/
        d]/f lutx?df ltdL au]klg
        lo w'gx? eGbf sog u'gf
        ltdL d leq eof}
        h:nfO{ d zAbdf w'gdf
        / lutx?df k|]d ul//x]5'
d x/fosf] Sofgef; leq
k/ st} lj:tf/} ltdL wlt{;Fu
Ps cflnË Ps ;dfud vf]lh/x]sf lyof}
d klv{/x]sf] lyP ce}m
ltd|f] ld7f] :kz{sf] Ps d'7\7L ;kgf af]s]/
;kgf x/fPsf] ;x/ leq
;kgf h:t} lhjg afFr]/
d cem} s'l//x]sf] lyP
lhjg daf6 efUb} lyof]
of d lhjg;Fu efUb} lyP
ltdL d ;Dd cfpg ;s]gf}
of d}n] ltdLnfO{ k5\ofpg ;lsg
kvf{O{sf w'nfDo ;do afFr]/
cfh ;do km/s ePsf] 5
cfh km]/L Tof] uNnLaf6
n';'Ss l5/]/ ltdL dnfO{ vf]Hb} cfPsf 5f}
/ Pstdf; pleP/
;do ;'g;fg ePsf] 5
of] clGtd e]6
;do ltdL / ddf
km/s ePsf] 5
d}n] u/]sf] 3ft b]lvG5
ltdLn] gb]lvg] u/L 3ft u/]sf 5f} .

                –t]hljs|d sfsL{

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


शब्दहरुको (Sabdaharuko......): गजल: गजल तिमीले गाउने उदास गीत हुँ म कसैले हारेकेा नमीठेा जीत हुँ म तान या च्यात अक्षर पखालिएकेा तिनै चिठ्ठीकेा धमिलेा प्रित हुँ म थामेर...

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Historical Scenario of Nepal
Contents (1. Toponymy 2. Early ages: a. Legends and Ancient time b. Kirat Period 3. Birth of Buddha 4. Licchavi rule, Thakuri rule, Malla dynasty 5. Age of Principalities. 6. History of Kirat 7. History of Limbuwan 8. Kingdom of Nepal: a. Gorkha rule b. Rana Administration c. 20th century d. Democratic Reform e. Royal Coup by King Mahendra f. Nepalese Civil War 9. Federal Democratic Republic)

The history of Nepal has been influenced by its isolated position in the Himalayas and its two dominant neighbors, India and China.
Due to the arrival of disparate settler groups from outside through the ages, it is now a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-lingual country. Its population is predominantly Hindu with significant presence of Buddhists, who were in majority at one time in the past. Nepal was split in three kingdoms from the 15th to 18th century, when it was unified under a monarchy. The national language of Nepal is called 'Nepali', a name given - long after unification of Nepal - to the language called Khas Kura.
Nepal experienced a failed struggle for democracy in the 20th century. During the 1990s and until 2008, the country was in civil strife. A peace treaty was signed in 2008 and elections were held in the same year.
Many of the ills of Nepal have been blamed on the royal family of Nepal. In a historical vote for the election of the constituent assembly, Nepalese people voted to oust the monarchy in Nepal. In June 2008, Nepalese People ousted the royal household. Nepal was formally renamed the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal when it became a federal republic.